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The team manager must register a team through USSSA for current 2016 season and post the team's roster (min of 9 players) online. Please note, the names and birthdays of players must match what is listed on their birth certificates, passports, drivers license, etc. Do not use nick names, roster is considered a legal document.

Once you have registered with USSSA, you will be issued a team page where you can upload team photos, player stats, and pay for tournaments online.

Click Here to Register Team with USSSA

Click Here to Register and Pay for a Tournament

*Click on tourney fee amount to enter or pay thru USSSA*
Team must be first registered and roster online with USSSA before system will allow entering or paying for a tournament

All teams are required to pay the Tournament Entry Fee in full at least 7 days prior to the tournament weekend and in most cases several weeks to months before event sells out. Please note that the entry fee listed on the Tournament Schedule page is for mailed-in entry fees. Entry fees paid online will be an additional 5% credit card processing fee by USSSA. If a team submits payment via check and the check is returned due to insufficient funds, that team will be required to pay online for all future tournaments and will be charged a $25 NSF fee.

Mailing address for checks
1140 S. 124th St.
480.326.5399 (cell)
(Put team name/age/tourney in Memo and send email when check was mailed)

Rainout/Tournament Cancellation Policy
Posted under rules link or click here

Recommended Division Definitions for AZ

Major Division: Designed for the nation’s most competitive, “select” teams. Players on these teams are often recruited from a wide area. They are truly All-Star teams. The Major Division provides outstanding teams the opportunity to compete against the best in the nation. World Series are offered in Majors, Elite 32, Louisville Slugger, and Global.

AAA Division: Designed for those teams which have been comprised of players from the same school, neighborhood, or community. This division allows these teams a fair level of competition, and to compete for Mid level World Series offered in AAA and Global

AA Division: Less competitive than the AAA Division. Players new to baseball will feel most comfortable in this division allowing for greater ease of development and preparation for the next level. No major players allowed in this div. World Series are offered as AA and Global.


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